
Season’s Greetings from Albion Valley!

In years past, we’ve restricted communication to our social media channels, forum, and an IRC channel. This year we’ve made the transition from Slack to Discord. Discord provides us the opportunity to share our development communication with the community. We’ll likely lock-down post access to the forum in the coming week and direct visitors to Discord.


Our writing team is currently reviewing and editing our work so far as we prepare to begin the story-boarding process. Our intention is to move forward with implementation after story-boarding. That means dialogue for the writing team, more coding work, and art work!

We expanded our continuous integration to more than a single Windows build agent. We’re now running build agents on Linux and OSX. We also moved away from Visual Studio Team Services and over to Team City. Team City offers a little more support for build server integration with GitHub than VSTS – particularly for pull requests. If you’re interested in knowing more about our code base please visit us over at GitHub


Congratulations again to Corey Cole on another anniversary of your 29th birthday!
Congratulations to Danny Wheeler for completing his Quest for Glory Let’s Play! He’s compiled a play-through for each class on every Quest for Glory game – quite an accomplishment!

And finally…

Thanks as always for following the project, and we look forward to keeping you in the loop. If you want to help out with the game, check out the ‘Help Wanted!’ page—and of course, feel free to get in contact with us at any time.

—Your Hero6 team